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Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth

Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth

Today I get to share the other part of my story on “Why I started Fashion blogging- The truth” with you Gems.

First of all, I want to say a big thank you for all the love you showed me last week on my Facebook and Instagram pages. You gems are incredible.

If you haven’t caught up, Here is the first part on “Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth”

I understand what it feels like to be alone, but thinking back to where I was 4 years ago. I wasn’t just alone, I was confused and probably at my lowest point.

The easiest thing for me would have been to give up; and trust me I did several times. The honest truth about why I started blogging was to get out of my own head. At the time, I was jobless, homeless, just graduated but I had all these clothes and shoes that I had no where I’d wear them too.

Truth be told, I wanted to create my own reality; even though my life at the time was so far from what I dreamed it will be.

Finally, I decided blogging. Yes I wanted to blog, not because I had a special revelation that it was my way out of my misery. Or because blogging was going to save me from being completely broke (lol, if only that was the case).

My only goal at the time was probably to keep myself and my mind busy. I wanted to create a place where my mind would be happy and honestly just forget all the things I was dealing with then.

That’s how it all started, I had the idea to let my creative mind take charge.

Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth Why I Started Fashion Blogging- The Truth Why I started Fashion Blogging- The truth

Shoes – Here

Pants- Here

Sweater- Similar


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