Happy New week Gems, I know the year just started but if you are like me, it’s back to business per usual. Anyways this weeks blog post is about “bossing” up, and looking the part for that business/ work meeting you have been planning for.
We all know the famous quote “the way you dress is the way you are addressed” yeah!!! i basically took this simple perfectly detailed dress and paired it with my proper shirt. Honestly I love the details on the dress (the big front buttons and little fringes on the sides make it perfect). A pair of black peep toe stiletto and a black statement piece clutch to match takes the whole look up a notch.
I hope you Gems get to try this look or at least get inspired to create something similar. Follow me on Instagram and tag me if you try this look. 😉
Oh congrats you made it this far… okay just like the post and tell me what you think about this look in the comments as well. Love you Gems, see you next week.
Oh btw I have style video on Instagram go check it out now.