Yes, Today I want to share with you Gems “How Blogging May Have Saved Me”
I know a lot of times we come across stories of how people turned their lives around from following their passion; however my story is a bit different and what better way, than to share it with you.
Last week I shared the whole truth about why I started blogging Here. That story is just a little part to my whole journey into blogging and more specifically fashion blogging.
To be quite honest, after I graduated and everything around me then seemed to be falling apart. I had no idea what I wanted to do.
Sometimes I tell myself blogging found me. Yes blogging found me and saved me from so many days of emotional wreckage. There were days I was extremely sad, and I wanted to be by myself. Other times I didn’t want to work or even talk to anyone. All it took in those dark time was being creative and tuning into my blog. For the most part, my blog kept me afloat during my darkest times.
When I started blogging, I had no idea the opportunities that came with blogging. I just blogged to avoid a downward spiral. Thinking back right now, I knew I was spiraling, I was feeling depressed and I just wanted to find my way.
My blog made me accountable, it literally gave me a reason to show up for me every week. I had no choice at the time, than to get up find a good reason to smile, and more importantly get creative.
Before I knew it, it became a routine for me. Blogging helped me find a reason to be happy at least once every week lol.
Blazer- Here
Shoes- Here